What is Hyderabadi (Irani) Chai

Whats the Craze

Hyderabadi Irani Chai is one of the most sold tea types in India. There are thousands of Irani Chai centers selling thousands of cups every day mostly in Hyderabad and the trend is catching up in other metros and even in United States. Some of the famous cafe sells almost 15 thousand cups per day.

Irani Chai In Urban India

Contrary to convention, Irani Chai is getting more and more famous with newer generation who work in Urban India. Places around IT sector are bustling with customers who come for a quick sip from their office break. With new innovative ideas and franchise funding, Irani stores have set new standard in customer services, cleanliness and same taste such that even International Coffee Brands are finding it very hard to capture customers.


It is believed that Irani Chai was introduced to Mumbai and then other parts of Indian from Persian Immigrants who came in pursuit for better life and trade

How is it different

Conventional way of making Irani Chai is to boiled tea powder and water in one container and Pure Milk is boiled in separate container and when its time to serve both milk and tea are mixed to desired strength as per customer needs

Serving Size

Irani Chai is served in 90ml Quantity and is best served with Usmania Biscuit, Bun Maska, tie biscuit, Samosa to name a few.